Plan F
*Plan F is a popular plan that covers everything, without a deductible. The rates are typically a lot higher on Plan F than Plan G, sometimes $40-50 more per month. The only difference is the Part B deductible of $226 on Plan G. The plans are exactly the same coverage except for the small deductible. With Plan G, if you don’t get sick then you may not even have to pay a deductible at all. One important thing to keep in mind - Plan F will not be available to "newly eligible" enrollees to Medicare starting in 2020. The reason for this is the government is trying to cut down on Medicare spending, by eliminating first dollar coverage (plans that do not have a deductible). If you have Plan F already, or if you enrolled in Medicare prior to 2020, then you may be able to get this plan. Rates may start going up a lot higher after 2020. Call us for more details if you currently have Plan F and want to see if you can save money.
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